“Yes AI can”
for Beobank
Creating the first AI-tool on the Belgian market that converts young graduates' personal experiences into professional skills to upgrade their CV.
Beobank faces challenges in attracting young graduates for two key reasons: they tend to underestimate their skills due to limited work experience, and they are less interested in pursuing careers in the banking sector. Our goal? To show young professionals that Beobank will support them in finding a job, while positioning Beobank as an ideal employer.
To support young people, we developed a new résumé tool: YES AI CAN. Leveraging AI, this tool transforms graduates’ experiences and passions into relevant skills for their résumés. A job as a ‘pizza delivery driver’ might not seem impressive, but qualities like ‘efficiency,’ ‘multitasking,’ and ‘punctuality’ certainly are.
We reached Gen Z with a vibrant and engaging campaign across multiple channels (social media, native ads, OLV, SEA, etc.). As an added incentive, we launched an activation where participants could win a trip—the perfect opportunity to enhance their résumés with valuable cultural experiences.

Go beyond
Thanks to the AI tool, we were able to boost the confidence of young people. The results exceeded expectations, with 200% more graduates using the tool than initially anticipated. Additionally, the campaign generated 338 applications, surpassing the target by 255%. By bridging the confidence gap through innovative AI, Beobank successfully engaged young talent and filled critical roles. This campaign was honored with a Gold BOA award in 2024.